
Farm-to-Table Freshness

a premier vegetable export company specializing in a diverse range of high-quality produce. Our export portfolio includes Potatoes, Lady Finger, Cauliflower, Snake Gourd, Kohlrabi, Peas, Lemons, Green Chilies, Sweet Potatoes, Bitter Gourd, Eggplant, Pumpkin, Drumstick, Cabbage, Cucumber, and Beetroot. Explore the natural goodness and freshness of these vegetables as we bring you the best of nature from our farms to your table.

100% Natural

Worldwide delivery

Fresh Products


Our potatoes are not just delicious but also a vitamin-packed delight. Loaded with Vitamin C for immunity, Vitamin B6 for brain health, and a good dose of fiber, they’re a wholesome addition to your plate. At NSB Exports, we bring you the goodness of potatoes—nature’s tasty multivitamin.

Okra/Lady Finger

Indulge in the nutritional goodness of our okra, a low-calorie vegetable high in fiber and folate. Packed with vitamin C, antioxidants, and minerals, okra from NSB Exports supports digestive health and boosts immunity. These tender pods also contain potassium for heart health and contribute to overall bone strength. Experience the delicate flavor and abundant wellness in every bite of our premium okra.


Experience the nutritional prowess of cauliflower and headed broccoli from NSB Exports, rich in vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. These cruciferous vegetables support immune health, aid digestion, and contribute to a heart-healthy diet. Packed with essential nutrients like vitamin C and folate, our premium cauliflower and headed broccoli elevate your plate with both flavor and wellness. Enjoy the wholesome benefits of these cruciferous champions in every serving.

Snake Gourd

Discover the wellness-packed goodness of snake gourd from NSB Exports. Low in calories and high in fiber, this vegetable promotes digestive health and aids weight management. Rich in vitamins and minerals, snake gourd supports overall well-being with a unique flavor and texture. Elevate your culinary experience with the wholesome benefits of our premium snake gourd.


Savor the goodness of our Indian fresh coconuts, a rich source of essential nutrients. Packed with hydrating coconut water, electrolytes, and healthy fats, these jewels from NSB Exports support hydration, skin health, and overall well-being. From boosting metabolism to aiding digestion, the natural sweetness of our coconuts adds a delightful touch to your culinary creations. Experience the tropical freshness and holistic benefits of our premium Indian fresh coconuts with every sip and bite.


Indulge in the sweet delight of peas, rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These little green gems contribute to immune health, aid digestion, and provide a boost of energy. At NSB Exports, our peas are handpicked for freshness, ensuring each bite is a burst of wholesome goodness. Elevate your meals with the vibrant and nutritious essence of our premium peas.


Immerse yourself in the zesty brilliance of our lemons, cultivated in the sun-kissed groves of Tamil Nadu. Bursting with vitamin C, lemons are an immunity-boosting treasure. At NSB Exports, our lemons are a testament to quality—juicy, tangy, and rich in antioxidants. Experience the refreshing touch of citrus excellence with every squeeze.

Green Chilies

Indulge in the fiery goodness of green chilies, a potent source of vitamin C, aiding immune health and skin radiance. These little powerhouses are rich in antioxidants, promoting metabolism and supporting weight management. At NSB Exports, our green chilies are handpicked for maximum freshness, adding a zing of flavor and wellness to your culinary creations. Spice up your life with the vibrant benefits of our premium green chilies.

Sweet Potatoes

Savor the natural sweetness of our sweet potatoes, rich in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. This vibrant tuber supports gut health, aids digestion, and boosts immunity. At NSB Exports, our sweet potatoes are cultivated with care for optimum nutrition, adding a wholesome touch to your meals. Experience the goodness of nature’s candy with every bite.

Bitter Gourd

Bitter gourd, also known as karela, is a unique vegetable renowned for its exceptional health benefits. Rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, and minerals like iron and potassium, bitter gourd is a potent antioxidant. It supports blood sugar regulation, aids digestion, and is valued for its potential anti-inflammatory properties. Despite its bitter taste, this green gem from NSB Exports brings a spectrum of goodness to your plate, promoting overall wellness with every bite.


Indulge in the wholesome goodness of eggplant, a low-calorie vegetable rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. With antioxidants that promote heart health and nasunin to protect brain cells, eggplants from NSB Exports are a delicious addition to your meals. Embrace the vibrant purple hues for a culinary journey that enhances digestion, supports bone health, and adds a touch of nutrition to every dish. Elevate your plate with the nutrient-packed goodness of our premium eggplants.


Savor the goodness of our pumpkins, packed with vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. From supporting immune health with vitamin C to aiding vision with beta-carotene, pumpkins from NSB Exports are a versatile addition to your meals. Rich in potassium for heart health and low in calories, these golden gems contribute to overall well-being. Enjoy the wholesome taste and nutritional benefits of our premium pumpkins on your plate.


Indulge in the goodness of drumsticks from the fertile lands of Tamil Nadu, India. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, drumsticks are a powerhouse of nutrition, supporting immune health and promoting skin radiance. From aiding digestion to contributing to bone health, these slender pods from NSB Exports add a touch of wellness to your meals. Experience the unique flavor and abundant benefits of our premium Tamil Nadu drumsticks, where nature’s bounty meets culinary delight.


Savor the crisp goodness of cabbage from NSB Exports—rich in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, promoting digestive health and immune support.


Indulge in the refreshing goodness of NSB Exports’ cucumbers—packed with hydrating properties, vitamins, and antioxidants, promoting skin health and hydration.


Discover the nutritional richness of NSB Exports’ beetroot—brimming with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, supporting heart health and boosting stamina.

Global Sourcing

We work closely with our partners to guarantee that the vegetables we export meet the highest quality standards.

Timely Delivery

Our logistics team is well-versed in international shipping and customs procedures, ensuring that your orders arrive at their destination on schedule.

Regulatory Compliance

We take care of all the necessary permits, certifications, and paperwork to ensure a smooth and compliant export process.

Packaging and Labeling

Our goal is to represent your brand with the same care and attention to detail that you would.

Customer Support

Our team is available to answer your queries, provide updates on your shipments, and address any concerns you may have.


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